Tag: ship
Genealogy: 1500-1900
Read More: Genealogy: 1500-1900We can trace our family line back to the late 15th century. The first was Jan Huich zoon, occasionally spelled Huigzoon and later as Huygen. Most people didn’t have surnames, so they added their father’s name to tell them apart. Jan Huigzoon means, Jan, son of Huig. In the next generation a son Huig was…
Bach, boat, Canada, church, college, Cornelis, family, Gouda, Groningen, marriage, organ, Pieter, Rotterdam, school, ship
The Slingerland Line
Read More: The Slingerland LineThe first Slingerland we know of is a certain Aart Slingerland who came to Berkenwoude and started farming in Westeinde 11, the farm where my mother was born. (Later another family history traced the line back to Teunis Slingerland, baptized November 16, 1653). We don’t know when he came but we know that he was…
Back in Holland: 1949-1954
Read More: Back in Holland: 1949-1954This is the period of dad’s life that we know the least about. The few paragraphs here are written by Wendy with input from her sisters based on the few stories dad has told us. From pictures we know that he enrolled in an Agricultural School, probably in Gouda, and that he worked for the…
Indonesia: 1947-1949
Read More: Indonesia: 1947-1949Much of what follows is written by Wendy based on memories my sisters and I shared of stories he told us over the years, although there are a few paragraphs that he must have written very early on because they were written in Dutch. When I was 19 years old (1947) I was called up…
Cheese Making
Read More: Cheese MakingAs I mentioned before we were a large family. When the war broke out, I was just 12 years old and there were 12 children already in our family. I believe the marriage was good, and as children we could get along quite well, apart from some minor rivalry that typically happens among children. Looking…
Stuits in Woldendorp
Read More: Stuits in WoldendorpThese next three pages are taken from the descriptions written by Henk Bousema in the Stuit Book, relying on the help of his uncle Berend Beekhuis for research and information. Woldendorp lies in the province of Groningen, in an area that is called Oldambt. The distance to the nearest town Winschoten is a four hour…
Religion and Faith
Read More: Religion and FaithOne can talk about religion in generalities and about churches being staunchly Reformed and very orthodox, but what was my personal experience as a child? I can’t remember that my mother often told Bible stories, but she must have done so. At table Dad read from Anne De Vries’ Bible Story Book and when I…
Read More: ChurchMy parents went to churches where sermons lasted 1½ hours, but when I grew up they had been shortened to appr. 45 minutes. Sometimes men would suddenly stand up in the middle of a sermon. They began to feel sleepy, and this was the way to stay awake. Other men would enter the church with…
Organ Playing
Read More: Organ PlayingI have no recollection that I played much with my siblings, Kees, Truus and Sense. I imagine they had their own friends as I had mine. Of course, they were 5 and 4 years older. All of us had organ lessons, but I was the only one who took lessons for over one year. My…
Read More: PedagogySchools during my childhood were places where quietness in classrooms, disciplined order, and endless drilling were paramount. When you didn’t hold a pen in your hand, your arms were crossed across your chest. To make an impression on a teacher, you sat up as straight as possible, crossed your arms as high as you possibly…