Tag: canal
1945: Liberation
Read More: 1945: LiberationMother dies and a baby is born In February of 1945, my mother passed away, I believe it was on the 21st. According to the doctor, she died simply from old age, at 77. The funeral was 5 days later. Alie (Albert’s wife) was, at that time, in the town of Nieuwe Pekela with her…
1916-1929: Managing the Renneborg
Read More: 1916-1929: Managing the RenneborgAs we were eating in the backroom the next day, Mom suddenly appeared and said “Dad is dying”. So we crept quietly into the front room, where he laid in his bed, gasping for air and not knowing what was happening around him.
1900-1916: Sappermeer to Renneborg
Read More: 1900-1916: Sappermeer to RenneborgSchool years As already stated, I first saw daylight in Zuidbroek, Westeind, located along the Winschoterdiep (a navigable canal), only 500 meters from the neighbouring community of Sappermeer. My Dad was born in Borgercompagnie and my mother further north in the town of Slochteren (Harm van der Laan 1868-10916 and Foktje Baas 1867-1945). When they…