Category: Stories
Sarnia Christian School
Read More: Sarnia Christian SchoolThe art of story telling on display, fifty years after Herman de Jong first stood in front of a classroom and honed his craft.
Herman and Stiny de Jong read stories
Read More: Herman and Stiny de Jong read storiesOnce upon a time, I’m sure (though I have no memory of it), my mother and father read or told stories to me and my siblings. Probably every day. Whether they were from the bible or not, these stories pushed us to the frontiers of experience without at all endangering us. Only when our own…
~ Chapter Eight
Read More: ~ Chapter EightI think this should just be my last chapter. The notebook is almost full and I am also finding it increasingly difficult to write neatly. My hands are starting to shake so much, maybe it’s because I sit at my little table for hours at a time.
~ Chapter Seven
Read More: ~ Chapter SevenI spent the last week of my stay in Canada at Maaike’s family again. While it was nice in Simcoe and Toronto, where better to be comfortable than with your own family? Pieter picked me up by car. Truly quite a journey
~ Chapter Six
Read More: ~ Chapter SixWhen the dishes are washed and the kitchen sink is neat and tidy, you have to deal with a hefty man of the house in a modern family. I know this by experience because even though I have small dishes, the sink is always tidy. Neat and tidy, says Mrs. Franken, who had to teach…
~ Chapter Five
Read More: ~ Chapter FiveIn Simcoe, Ontario, I stayed with a cousin I hadn’t seen in forty years. That was possible because all the children had left and there were plenty of beds to sleep on and I only needed one.
~ Chapter Four
Read More: ~ Chapter FourCanada has made an amazing impression on me. This nation with its big lakes, big forests and high mountains is a very impressive country for someone coming from the flat Netherlands. I don’t think it’s pleasant living in mountains. You cannot cycle there, unless you already have a bike with thirty gears.
~ Chapter Three
Read More: ~ Chapter ThreeSometimes I got the feeling that I fitted in better in Canada than in the Netherlands. There I was the centre of attention, and here I am just an old man who is often overlooked. This is also down to myself,
~ Chapter Two
Read More: ~ Chapter TwoSunday morning, six o’clock…. As usual, I woke up early this morning too in the beautiful camper van that Pieter had rented for the holiday. I must have slept very deeply because I hadn’t even heard Maaike’s snoring and Gerrit’s squeaking.
~ Chapter One
Read More: ~ Chapter OneI set out to write about my experiences in Canada. I spent some time there, for four weeks. The second week of my stay, my son-in-law Pieter had a holiday and so we went out in a large camping trailer. Just about the whole family could sleep in it. You don’t see such beasts in…