Tag: Jordan Station
Aylmer, Canada, church, family, God, Jordan Station, London, music, organ, Sarnia, school, ship, Vennekerk
Read More: OccupationsOpa Herman de Jong had the following occupations As you can see: a multi-checkered career. Of course, now these occupations were on a part-time basis, otherwise I would have had to live two lives. And now let’s start at the very beginning… Herman at work
Read More: RetirementFor My Descendants Living During The Year 2050 Moses had no computer. Yet the books of Moses have been written faultlessly, all the events within them seem to be in perfect chronological order, and Moses’ style of writing is to the point, succinct, and in places wonderfully poetic. Like Moses, I have no computer either.…
Read More: ForwardOne Sunday afternoon, I started reading my father’s “Memoirs” again. Again I was impressed by how nice, yet matter-of-fact and detailed he describes his childhood in Terschelling. The thought occurred to me that more Terschellingers might enjoy it.
Beste Kees en Hittie
Read More: Beste Kees en HittieOp een goeie dag begon ik vaders ‘Memoires’ weer eens te lezen. Je weet hoe dat gaat op een Zondagmiddag als je niets anders te doen hebt. Vader beëindigde dat boek in 1972, dus dat is al weer een hele poos geleden.
Read More: VoorwoordOp een Zondagmiddag begon ik mijn vaders “Memoires” weer eens te lezen. Weer kwam ik onder de indruk hoe leuk, maar toch ook zakelijk en gedetailleerd hij zijn jeugd beschrijft in Terschelling.
The Winschoter Plot
Read More: The Winschoter PlotONE 1996 The famous and sometimes infamous Zandpad on the other side of the bridge has disappeared. I walk through the new neighbourhood where it must have been when I used to roam around Winschoten. I no longer recognize anything. Yet I find just about the spot where the Sunday school room of the…
The Nature of Things
Read More: The Nature of ThingsThe photographs in this exhibition of objects from my mother’s home are equally happy accidents, revealing the nature of things