

Herman de Jong

~ Mr. Joosse – 1975

My teenage son had learned
to play the drums quite well..
he’d smitten the peace of our home
to smithereens … keep smiling!
How excellent his thunder would sound
in a larger space, I thought…

I played the organ in an offshoot church,
still CRC, but quite progressive…
if you know what I mean.
In such a church it can be discovered
that many hymns have nice beats…
too nice for wheezing electronic organs
with their surrogate, undulating sounds.

Without consistory’s consent
I had asked that lanky son of mine
to haul his drums to church. A sublime
grin decorating his rapturous face,
he hid his set behind the organ…
we still didn’t know how older folks
would take this daring venture.

During the service hymns his rolls
weren’t overpowering, blended nicely
with the organ sounds … we didn’t want
to shock people who are easily shocked.
But when, at the end of the service,
people shuffled out of their pews,
wow! … good news for my impatient son!

“The Church’s One Foundation!”
Without the slighest hesitation
He followed a fortissimo organ,
his intricate interludes so magnificent
that I had to fight back tears.

Here a step…there a step!
Old elder Joosse climbed the stage!
Fearful to be harshly disciplined,
sniffing father and grinning son
tempered the intemperate sound.
Terrible … oh, terrible!

“That was nice, very nice!
You should do that again…”

When had I seen
those jubilant eyes before?…
long, long ago?


Coming soon!
Serialized stories and prose
by Herman de Jong
New translations and posts
by Henry de Jong


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