last night
who pops up in my head?
slender little johan
i wish
we had grown up together
twelve years old
already indoctrinated
by nuns
i twelve year old calvinist
first year catechumen
could do little
to show him a thing or two
we were friends
because our parents
visited back and forth
between the backs of our homes
an ecumenical gate
latch on either side
theirs a bit more rusty
afterall they belonged
to the oldest church
christmas morning mass
five o’clock
those catholics must be crazy
said my mother
as she wound my dad’s scarf
three times around my neck
five in the morning
breath clouds in the glow
of yellow street lanterns
dwarfs on wooden shoes
preserving snow-clods
we stood head to head
to see
who was the tallest
rushing through the last street
johan made it just in time
to be properly robed
for he sang in the choir
to my surprise
fellow protestants packed
the back of the cathedral
there was hardly enough room
for real parishioners to get through
they muttered under their breath
as they dipped hands
in a rather grimy bowl
it was in that cathedral
that for the first time
music brought tears to my eyes
one single boy’s soprano
from heaven high i now descend
eya eya
walking home i told johan
how fine that boy had sung
that was me
he said
hands in pockets
we talked religion a bit
and to my surprise i discovered
that he loved
the same jesus
i loved
we found a stone
and between the two of us
kicked it all the way home
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