

Herman de Jong


01 – JUNE, 1991

 I sometimes think: if this had happened and that had not, how differently my life would have turned out! Does God take advantage of some events so that it all goes according to his plan? Did I have my own say?  I was pondering that as Corrie and I laboriously climbed a worn stone staircase inside the incredibly large castle above the city of Salzburg. While pondering, I look at the tips of my shoes and see nothing of all the interesting old junk around me. And that’s a terrible shame, because this trip to Europe is costing me a pretty penny.

That’s how it starts, this first-person account by a retired Dutch-Canadian and his wife, Corrie from Beamsville.
Who Janneke is, I have yet to discover.
The original is in Dutch


Coming soon!
Serialized stories and prose
by Herman de Jong
New translations and posts
by Henry de Jong


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Janneke – a Novel

by Herman de Jong