1912-08-13. From Ena Stuit to H. Beekhuis.
Groningen, August 13.
Beloved Brother, sister and children.
Through the Lord’s goodness I am in good health, and I hope for you the same. First, I congratulate you with the birth of a son. What is his name? Are you better yet Stientje? You must have thought: Ena never writes.
On Friday it will be twelve weeks since I came here. I like it here. It is busier than with the Kolsteins. The house is bigger. I can do the wash too. I have a nice place here to do the wash.
Two weeks ago, I went to Schildwolde. R. came too. Five weeks ago I went to Zuidlaren to Betje and Stientje Berrelkamp. Stientje is ill, has been bedridden for 15 weeks already. She will probably not get well again. At least that’s what they said. And she said it herself to me too “I won’t get better”. But Betje said that she was entirely loose from the world. It is so good that she is there, because she receives whatever she needs and good nursing care.
I have to finish, it is 9.30. It is probably busy at your place, harvesting the grain. Greetings from Redmer; he is in good health. I hope you will write me again soon. Warm greetings from your loving sister,
Ena Stuit.
My address:
H. Huisinga,
Zuiderkerkstraat 4a
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