Saturday, January 13, 1912. From Trijn Stuit to H. Beekhuis.
Dear brother and sister.
Betje (Elizabeth) is still alive. Yesterday morning the doctor said, “she is dying” and that’s how she lay all day and all night. She was already cold. She was entirely alert and conscious. She is totally ready. She asked twice: “is Stientje here and Hendrik too? Then she became terribly short of breath, and we just pleaded with God to take away this tightness in her chest, and when we had said Amen, she said, “The Lord is already making it easier.” Towards morning she asked for some buttermilk; she drinks that like a baby, from a bottle. When the doctor came this morning, he was surprised to see that her pulse was stronger again. What God ordains is always good. Remember us in your prayers. Ena is here.
T. Stuit.
[Elizabeth died that very day.]
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