

Ellizabeth Stuit
(1889 – 1912)

1910-04-28 Elizabeth Bosker to H. Beekhuis

Thursday, 1910-04-28. From Elizabeth Bosker to H. Beekhuis.

[Elizabeth is the younger sister of Hinderik Beekhuis]

[Woldendorp is 35 km from where Hinderik and Stientje live – a huge distance in those days]

Woldendorp, April 28, 1910.

Beloved Brother and Sister and children,

You are probably surprised to get a letter from me already. But I think it is necessary. I went to visit your father today, sister [Stientje], and brought him your message. But it was not sufficient. Your Father cried for such a long time. Every day he had been hoping for your coming. And now I was there again, and you had not been yet. And you had promised. You had said brother that you were coming on the bike. It’s not good that you didn’t come then. Whenever your father saw a carriage, or a bicycle, he would say, there they come. He can see the road really well now, his bed is by the window. I’m so sorry that you didn’t go when I was there.

But now you must no longer postpone visiting your father, sister Stientje, because the doctor did not speak favourably this morning, Betje said. He said that it could be all over any time now.

I’m also writing this letter on behalf of your sister. In matters like this we cannot procrastinate. So please don’t wait with coming, for your father’s sake; he so longs to see you. And for your sister too, because she sometimes feels so anxious to always have to care for him and everyone else by herself.

Dear Brother and Sister, now you know how things are. I urge you to come as soon as possible. Please bring a little butter for your father, Stientje. They can hardly get butter here. I’m writing this sister, so that you know this; they haven’t said anything about me writing this, I’m just doing this so that you know, otherwise you might not think of it. Receive warm greetings from all of us, also from your father, brothers and sisters. About Jan’s bicycle light, can you send that as soon as possible? Dear brother and sister, I expect I will see you soon here.

Greetings, your loving sister Elizabeth.

We were back home at seven o’clock.



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