Sunday, 1910-03-20. From Elizabeth Stuit to Ena Stuit.
Woldendorp, March 20.
Dear sister,
We received your letter and learned that you are in good health. Father is about the same. Today he’s a little better than yesterday. He ate some soup a couple of times and when it’s a bit salty he cannot tolerate it. Father was up for a couple of hours to-day and went outside for a little while in the sun. Yesterday he never got out of bed at all. He’s slowly getting weaker.
Grietje delivered a little son, Reint.
Two weeks ago, Trijntje was home. She will probably come again at Easter. I guess you can’t come now, or can you? Burema came a couple of times and brought us 20 eggs. We haven’t heard anything from the boys. From Hinderik and Stientje we received a letter yesterday.
Dear sister, I must finish now. May the Lord be gracious to us and near us in these difficult days.
Warm greetings from all of us.
Your loving sister Elizabeth.
It’s my birthday on Easter Sunday.
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