

Ellizabeth Stuit
(1889 – 1912)

1909-11-14 Elizabeth to Ena Stuit

Sunday, 1909-11-14. From Elizabeth Stuit to Ena Stuit.

Dear sister, [Ena is four years younger than Elizabeth]

It’s Sunday afternoon and I had better write again. We have just received your letter and learned that you are in good health which makes us very glad. We too are all in good health. Father is better again. Yesterday he was not quite as well. And last Sunday Father stayed home too. Did your chest arrive safely? When did you get it and how much did it cost with the train to Groningen and how much did the hat cost that you bought and what colour is it? Did you like a hat better than a toque? Now you probably don’t have much money left. Did you go to catechism on Tuesday? What time is that, in the evening or in the afternoon? How many go? Are you getting along with the children? How much white bread do you eat? At least ten cent’s worth I’m sure. Does Kolstein bake cake and “old wives”? We could be civil and say “old ladies”. We slaughtered a goat, uncle H.’s. It no longer gave any milk. Do you have enough clothes? Do you get to wear white aprons?

When do you wear your grey skirt? Are your printed aprons and dresses too long? Did you go to church alone? Are you able to find your way back home then? Is it a beautiful church? I guess you haven’t made any friends yet. Almost everybody is asking me these days “how is Ena? Did you get a letter yet? Lots of greetings, also from the girls in the club and specially from Catheriena Gelderloos. I wrote a poem for you in her album.

I finished the stockings at the club. It was terrible weather on Friday evening, but I went anyway. We have the potatoes under the bed and I also salted the cabbage and I knitted a pair of socks for Father, Redmer and Jan this week. Redmer came home at three o’clock. He was not very tired. The boys are really helping me a lot. I did the wash this week, but I just can’t get it dry.

I bought a blue beret for Marie just for Sunday.

Dear sister, this is all the news.

Your loving sister,

Elizabeth Stuit.



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