

Ellizabeth Stuit
(1889 – 1912)

1908-01-12 Ena Berrelkamp to H. Beekhuis

Sunday, 1908-01-12? from E. Berrelkamp to H. Beekhuis

Woldendorp, January 12.

Dear cousins [‘cousin’ is multi-generational in Dutch],

We hereby inform you that Leena delivered a son. And all is well. Your mother [Tietje] assisted her without the doctor. He is a very heavy Jan.

It is now the third day.

I wasn’t able to write sooner. I’m not much good these days. I’m on my fifth potion. I’m not sick, but weak. I’m supposed to drink two litres of milk each day, but we can’t afford that. I get 1 1/2 liters. Otherwise, everything is well. Trijntje will be leaving the city in May. She coming to Hulshuis as housekeeper for 120 guilders and Betje (Elizabeth?) will go to the widow Toxopeus also for 120 guilders and Rientje will stay with Botjes and Ena is going to K. Hamster.

U. Zeemring died. They carried him out of the neighbourhood on his bed and brought him back in a coffin. He went to Groningen. They operated on him there. He only lived one day after that. He entered the great eternity on New Years Day and now Berend Wagd died too and tante Ijke’s mother also died. Her father moved in with her DOW.

This is all the news I know. We’ll give the blanket back to mother. Lena didn’t need it. She had bought one, but we were afraid she was going to have two, but it was one big one.

E. Berrelkamp.
R.B. L.K.

[This is likely Ena Berrelkamp, a sister of Stientje Stuit’s mother Tietje. Sister-in-law Leena (nee Kamphuis) had just given birth to Jan Berrelkamp, baptized January 17, 1906.]



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