1907 or 1908 from Rientje Stuit [1891-1908] to H. Beekhuis, Finsterwolderpolder.
Which date it is I don’t know and now I can’t put that up there, but that’s what it is just about…
Dear brother and sister,
I had promised you that I would write too sometimes. It is now certainly three weeks ago that you were here Stientje. Mother has not improved at all during this time [Tietje Berrelkamp Stuit: 1860 – 1908]. I was there on Thursday; Mother had a fever then. She had had a fever every day since Sunday. How she is now I do not know; I won’t be back there now before Wednesday. Betje [Elizabeth] seems better, but not strong yet. Jan is also not yet well again.
When I was there last Sunday, it was really something: they were all in bed except Father [Albert Stuit: 1851-1910] and Roelf, who is always as healthy as can be. They are all better now, except Jan. They must have eaten too many cherries or something. I haven’t been feeling well for the last several days myself either; I am almost always cold. And my chest feels tight, I have to breathe fast. I use chest honey for that. It seems to be getting a bit better now.
The Madam is good to me. I don’t have to work as much now. I was supposed to do the wash tomorrow, but she’s having a washerwoman come to do it. And I get milk now instead of coffee to drink. Now I will soon get better for sure. It’s not easy when it’s so busy. How much our health is worth we only experience when we don’t have it. For which we never thank God enough.
We’ve had the machine here for three days already. When it’s dry it’s harvesting and running every day. At your place the same I’m sure. Oh if only our dear mother would get better again. Were that to be in God’s plan! With God everything is possible. But we are all deeply guilty before God and have not deserved even the smallest blessing. But with God there is forgiveness when we ask our Lord. And if it were that Mother would not get better, then we know that her Redeemer lives. Let us pray and hope in God. Everything will happen according to His will.
Now I will stop dear brother and sister. May the Lord be near you in all things and bless you. And keep us all in His care. And not deal with us according to our sins. But forgive us all in His grace. Receive my heartfelt greetings.
from your loving sister Rientje Stuit. [age 16]
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