And so, our marriage started, very simple and peaceful. Harm was busy in the fields and in the stables. We had seven cows and two horses, a few hundred chickens and a stable full of pigs. First, I had many things to do in the house, like painting and wallpapering. The house had become somewhat shabby looking during the last years. Harm and Hendrik painted the outside, and during the winter the inside with gleaming paint. That was done then.
It all looked so beautiful. We had new curtains, and the neighbours couldn’t get over the change. They weren’t used to it — all of them were somewhat old-fashioned. They thought me to be quite a madam, but slowly on I got more contact with them. However, we never went to visit them — they weren’t interested in that. They often talked roughly, but when I was with them, they were careful what they said. One of them told me that much later. They had never travelled much outside Renneborg. That was also the name of our farm, I think even today.
Harm was happy he could now make decisions on his own. Mother never interrupted again. Soon she came to visit regularly and got used to me. She once said to Harm, I don’t understand how Dina can be so thrifty. But we wanted to get rid of our debts. I’ve always been like that. I was scared to be in debt. Through God’s blessing we had a good harvest the first year and the prices were good. So, after one year we were able to pay off all our debts.
The depression in farming was over and you could sell everything. Our mare got a foal, and we got a good price for her too. The horses had to get used to me. But I wasn’t afraid of them and gave both of them names, Nellie and Frits. It took only a short time before they came running to me when I called their names. I must have inherited my love for horses from my father. Often, I could deal with them better then Harm. They always listened to me. The foal we named Kees. Harm liked that very much and Hendrik too.
Some of the things I wanted were changed. Harm did that with pleasure. I loved working in the garden and Harm made a lot of flowerbeds for me. he always cut the grass in time, and I raked everything neatly. The neighbours often teased me and said, is the Queen coming today? But both Harm and I found it pleasant to have everything nice and tidy. And then I expected our first baby. We were so happy, for I wasn’t so young anymore.
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