- Original Dutch Stories
- ~ The Flying Priest
- ~ The Mill Knife
- ~ And the Farmer Ploughs On
- ~ A Royal Child
- ~ Adventure at Night
- ~ Dirk Bult
- ~ James de Bree
- ~ Little Brother from Scheveningen
- ~ A Thorn in the Flesh
- ~ Klaas Pot
- ~ Bertus
- ~ The Little Elephant
- ~ From Generation to Generation
- ~ Reflections of a Grocer
- ~ Have Mercy on Us
- ~ About Cats and Dogs
- ~ Can’t We Have Some Fun?
- ~ Blackberries
- ~ Cupido
- ~ The Sign Cap
- ~ The Weather Turns
- ~ Joop
- ~ Troubles
- ~ On Holiday
- ~ A Nice Sunday Afternoon
- ~ How it Turned Out
- ~ The Raisin Bun
Category: Stories
~ James de Bree
Read More: ~ James de BreeIn one such attic room, James De Bree is cramming for Physics 301. Nuclear physicist, that’s what he wants to be, much to his mother’s dismay. But father De Bree lets his fellow workers at the big General Motors plant know that his son will go far in the world.
~ Dirk Bult
Read More: ~ Dirk BultDirk Bult, though a small man, is a great thinker. Even when he was a child, there was no question so difficult that Dirk didn’t know the answer to it. That created some distance between him and his peers. They were a bit dumber.
~ Adventure at Night
Read More: ~ Adventure at NightAs you know, we had to stay with Mother this time. We had just arrived and our dear Mom had already brewed the coffee. I took a look around. You know those little flats. A room, a little bedroom next to it, and a little kitchen with a shower/WC behind it. Everything tiny.
~ A Royal Child
Read More: ~ A Royal ChildI had promised my village colleague Jan Koning that as soon as I arrived in Canada I would visit his only daughter who was in St Margaret Hospital in Toronto
~ And the Farmer Ploughs On
Read More: ~ And the Farmer Ploughs OnOn an early spring day, the fields spread out, glistening again. The wind is still chilly, with night temperatures around zero, but the sun is gaining strength
~ The Mill Knife
Read More: ~ The Mill KnifeFor the first time in my life, I saw my father peeling potatoes. He did it somewhat shyly, as it was still the case then that women did all the housework
~ The Flying Priest
Read More: ~ The Flying PriestThe Lord bless you and keep you. The little boy peeked up at their pastor — Just for a moment! It was a sin if you opened your eyes while praying
Een Mooie Zondagmiddag
Read More: Een Mooie ZondagmiddagEr waren eens een jongetje en een meisje. Het jongetje was vijf jaar en het meisje ook. Het waren tweelingen die helemaal niets op elkaar leken. Het jongetje, dat was Klaas, had zwart haar net als zijn vader. Het meisje Melissa, had blond haar net als haar moeder. Het waren twee schattige kinderen, dat zei…
Met Vakantie
Read More: Met VakantieGradus en Emma zijn onze beste vrienden. Ik kan goed met Gradus opschieten en mijn Liesbet met Emma. Gradus en ik hadden bij dezelfde boet gewerkt en waren nu al een poosje in de vut.. En zo komen we vaak nogal eens bij elkaar op visite. Op een mooie lenteavond zaten we met ons vieren…
Read More: KwalenOp een Maandag zei Liesbet tegen mij: Woensdagavond moeten we naar Jan en Marie, hoor. Woensdag al, riep ik. Er was die zomer al een keer over gepraat, maar ik had er nooit meer aan gedacht. Meestal wil ik alleen aan mooie dingen denken. Ik zei: meid, wat maak je me nou aan het schrikken.…