Category: Dina Beekhuis
Read More: MarriageWe were married on March 21st, 1934. All was ready, the beautiful new house for mother and the girls in the village. I had cleaned our house with Tiet’s help — put everything in place. It was a large house, the largest in the row of farms. The windows were very high and it took…
Pa van der Laan’s Death
Read More: Pa van der Laan’s DeathOn a Wednesday in 1916, Pa van der Laan died suddenly. He had pneumonia and his heart failed. I came from school with Grietje [same age as Dina] — Jan had stayed home because his dad was sick. He met Grietje on her way back from school. Grietje cried so, and thus I came home…
The van der Laan Family
Read More: The van der Laan FamilyI’ll write a little about Harm and his family. I was ten when the van der Laans moved from Zuidlaren to Vlagtwedde. Pa van der Laan was not healthy anymore. He often had pneumonia. They had a small vegetable farm in Zuidlaren and led busy lives. They grew all kinds of vegetables but especially beans…
Family Life
Read More: Family LifeGenerally speaking, we were all healthy children. Sometimes we were in each other’s hair but we never had big fights. We never went out much. Martje often came to our house when I was home for a weekend. Later she said: I really loved that. She stayed with the school principal, so she lived close…
Brother Berend
Read More: Brother BerendMother worried a lot about Berend. He ran away so often and then she had to go after him. It was difficult for Berend when they brought him to the deaf-mute institute in Groningen. Mother could finally get more rest. But that day was terribly hard. The director advised us that we should leave quietly,…
Leaving Home
Read More: Leaving HomeBeekhuis Family ~ 1923 I left home when I was 16 [1921] to serve in a family with 6 children. It was good there. But I was happy when I could go home for a weekend. The people were nice, and I was like one of their own. But after 2 1/2 years I went…
Family Dynamics
Read More: Family DynamicsTrijn had finished school and thus we were both home with mother. Trijn was small and finely built and was close to mother, while I was much closer to my father. That’s why I loved going to the field with him. In the evening Trijn and I sometimes went to the village where we played…
The Work Begins
Read More: The Work BeginsWhen I was eleven [1916 – now the oldest daughter], my mother suddenly became ill. Her lungs had torn because of lifting things which were too heavy. Mother needed complete bed rest, and I had to leave school to care for her, to cook meals and take care of the youngest children, Meindert and Tiet.…
School Days
Read More: School DaysLet me start with my first day in school [~1910]. School then always began on May 1st. My mother had no trouble getting me to school, because my sister Tietje took me along. I remember that during morning recess I wanted to go on the street, but my sister called me back. I still see…
Settling In
Read More: Settling InAnd so, our marriage started, very simple and peaceful. Harm was busy in the fields and in the stables. We had seven cows and two horses, a few hundred chickens and a stable full of pigs. First, I had many things to do in the house, like painting and wallpapering. The house had become somewhat…