
Herman de Jong

Story Teller

~ How it Turned Out

To my great surprise, I was sent the booklet “Opa Dekker in Canada” six months after my stay in Canada. Whether I would please read it for a while and then give my permission to have the booklet printed. Well, that was fine by me! The gentleman who wrote it is a good friend of Pieter’s and wanted to publish his stories he had written over the years, but he didn’t have enough of them to make an eye-opening book. So the story about my first week in Canada is nothing but page filler…a bit of a long page filler, I would say! And fair enough! I hardly knew myself in what was written about me. I am really not always as cheerful and jolly and friendly as the booklet suggests. But that’s what writers do: they sometimes exaggerate to make the story more exciting!


Coming soon!
Serialized stories and prose
by Herman de Jong
New translations and posts
by Henry de Jong


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