
Het Winschoter Complot

Herman de Jong

The Winschoter Plot



       The famous and sometimes infamous Zandpad on the other side of the bridge has disappeared.  I walk through the new neighbourhood where it must have been when I used to roam around Winschoten.   I no longer recognize anything.  Yet I find just about the spot where the Sunday school room of the Reformed used to stand.  I stand still.  Then walk three houses further.  This must have been the leaning house where Joop Geel saw the light of day.

That’s how it starts, in a plot that jumps back and forth between Winschoten and Jordan Station,
with an RCMP officer as central character.
The original is in Dutch


Coming soon!
Serialized stories and prose
by Herman de Jong
New translations and posts
by Henry de Jong


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The Winschoter Plot
a Novel

by Herman de Jong